Knowledge Entrepreneurs
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    Innovative Ideas in Multidisciplinary Research
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Life Skills Training

Kalp Foundation constantly strives to support and empower youth through their various programs to enable them to meet their basic ambition to rise in professional life and to help them make informed choices and seek better opportunities.
To achieve optimal results, we have specially designed our Training programs because we know, what is taught is as important as how it is taught. The teaching/presentation techniques of facilitation and feedback, coaching of cognitive and behavioral skills ensure that the trainees fully understand and demonstrate the key skills taught.
Our program provider Training workshops are designed to:

(i) familiarize participants with Life skills curriculum;

(ii) teach participants the skills needed to successfully conduct themselves;

(iii) Discuss practical problems and implementation of issues.

We offer:-
One Day Foundation workshops in Leadership, Stress Busting and Positive Thinking, Story-telling, Creative writing, Communication skills,
Two Day/ Three day Core Training program on the above
Training of Trainers
Our rates are competitive
Faculty is highly qualified and experienced but above all they are motivated.


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