Knowledge Entrepreneurs
  • 26/06/2021 - To - 26/06/2021
    Innovative Ideas in Multidisciplinary Research
  • 05/06/2021 - To - 05/06/2021
    Environment Day Seminar
  • 29/05/2021 - To - 30/05/2021
    Storytelling Workshop-1
  • 11/05/2021 - To - 15/05/2021
    Brochure Workshop Kangra Miniature Painting-1
  • 25/04/2021 - To - 25/04/2021
    Seminar on Folk Culture
Oral History and Oral Traditions
Oral history is the compilation and study of historical information about folks, people, significant events, or day-today life and transcriptions of interviews. These interviews are conducted with communities whose memories and perceptions need to be preserved as a testimony for future. 
Oral traditions are means of passing traditional knowledge, socio-cultural values and collective reminiscences, which keeps a culture blooming. These traditions encompasses a variety of verbal expressions such as folk proverbs, riddles, folk tales, myths &legends, epic songs and poetry, prayers & chants, theatrical presentations etc. 
The way these traditions are passed on from one generation to another varies in the form, context and recitalist and more precisely the method of innovation, imitation, creativeness and fabrication. The survival of oral histories and oral traditions depends on an incessant succession of passing these traditions to subsequent generations. Like other forms of elusive cultural heritage, these traditions are threatened by rapid urbanization and changing social structure. Contemporary mass media and Internet have posed threat to oral traditions and expressions. Epic folklore that once took days to narrate has been condensed to just a few hours and has been replaced by digital music. The most significant part of upholding oral traditions is reinstating their role in contemporary society. In Himalayan societies, oral histories and oral tradition are the vital components of jovial cultural celebrations and need to be endorsed and new contexts must be promoted to let long-established creativity find innovative ways of expression. 
Kalp intends to promote the compilation & preservation of Oral Histories & traditions for future generations. 
The Foundation encourages the recording of oral histories and help individuals to share ideas, knowledge and best practices which have helped in the survival of Himalayan communities. 
The Foundation is bringing out People’s testimonies in form of monographs.


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